A couple of months ago I received this letter.... "I am writing you on the subject of the publica- tion of my story " ." which you have seen fit to print in a recent issue of TVia but have not thought it good enough to let me see it or be paid for it. I would like to have the issue it appears in and no other EVER AGAIN. I can't see any sense in contributing to a publication such as you seem to edit with no hope of ever being paid or thanked. I have let my subscrip- tion lapse some time ago mostly because I feel TURN- ABOUT has a lot more on the ball and doesn't try to ram a lot of "Virgin Views" down the reader's throats. After all, Virginia, your magazine is by and for TV's but if they find no satisfaction in contributing, they will follow me and turn to others who will! Answer this if you can, print it if you dare!
Signed, (Name withheld)
I accept your challenge! I've printed it and here is my answer. Yes, TVia IS by and for TV's. This means each should contribute for the enjoyment of all. The thanks you got was the opportunity to enjoy the work of others even as I hope they enjoyed yours. Had you said you wanted payment when you submitted the article it would have been returned to you. If you want that issue you can order it like everyone else does. I can't afford free copies to every contributor. There are too many glad to contribute. This is a cooperative effort, not a bought one. If TVia had not existed in the past what you have read and with whom would you now be friends??? Consider that carefully.
I can hardly feel that offering what thoughts I've had on the subject of TVism in "Virgin Views" is ramming them down your throat. You neither have to read nor agree, As to Turnabout, since when has it paid? If you feel that a 48 page magazine appearing 5 times in 21⁄2 years offers more than 90 pages 6 times a year for 6 years, by all means, switch don't fight. I do my best but you are entitled to your opinion.